Anderson City Council Meeting, August 9, 2007

Greg Valentine, Green Township Trustee and Assessor, appeared before the Anderson City Council on Thursday evening, August 9, to get responses for four very specific and pointed questions, as listed above. These were presented to each Council Member individually, and a written response was requested. Mr. Valentine said that Council President Donna Davis made it clear she was opposed to the proposed airport. She asked Morris Long, City Comptroller, whether any City monies have been expended for this project. He said no, saying he knew nothing further about it. She asked whether anyone else there was doing something "we don't know about." There was no verbal response, although at least two appeared uncomfortable under the audience's gaze. Council member Art Pepelea read a written statement, stating he would no longer officially participate in the acquisition of land in Green Twp.

Kato Smith, City Council member, said he was pleased Mr. Valentine had raised the issue because it gave the Council the opportunity to clear the air. He denied the City had authorized any acquisition of land for the proposed airport.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job, Greg, at the Anderson mtg. It's also good to hear the reaction(s) of the board members and president.