Anderson Board of Aviation Commissioners - Aug. 7th, 2007 meeting

BOAC Members present:

President Tony Rogers


Jim Thiemet
Phil Stephenson
Dennis Adams

John Blevins, Attorney
Steve Darlington, Manager of Anderson Airport
Don Manley, Engineer
Leann Walters, Secretary

On the FBO proposal (fixed base operations - providers of fuel, maintenance, plane sales, etc.), President Tony Rogers began to address the question when Boardmember Phil Stephenson said he was not ready to accept it now.
Mr. Rogers said they would sit down with Steve Darlington, Airport Manager, and discuss it at a later unspecified date.

Steve Darlington told them in 1999 he made a proposal and after 2 1/2 years, never got an answer. He told the board he had been doing all mowing and grounds work, refilling all planes, and managing day-to-day operations. He said he works about 85 hours a week, which is not in his job description. He said he would turn some of the work back over to them if they did not get him a contract.

Steve also stated there were 2,513 less touchdowns and takeoffs 2007 YTD (year-to-date) than in 2006 YTD. Some wonder how much fuel prices may have impacted those numbers.

They discussed an Aeropark plat and Mounds Park possible improvements, for instance wanting a fly-in bed and breakfast type building project that the DNR is looking into with them.

Fence repairs and taxiway for Xtreme Alternative Defense Systems, an Anderson business, were discussed briefly. Deer and holes in fences along Mounds State Park are problems which need correction.

The Mallard Lake Landfill nearby appeared to be avoided by President Rogers.

Flight School Proposal was briefly addressed.

Susan Schalk of Aerofinity spoke next. She was never listed on the pre-meeting agenda, but was a last-minute introduction. She gave an overview and said that on Friday, August 10, they would announce which library would house a copy of the report. Ms. Schalk did not specify whether she meant an Anderson or Indianapolis library. There will be a copy at Flagship Center available to inspect. There were 6 copies left for BOAC board members. Tony Rogers said there would be a copy left with Airport Manager Steve Darlington for anyone to peruse. No copies can be made from the documents left with Mr. Darlington.

Interestingly, BOAC President Tony Rogers made it clear that there would be no public comment allowed after the Aerofinity presentation.

Those who have had a chance to study the report indicate it contains inaccuracies and spurious correlations.

Ms. Schalk's report stated:

Asked by Flagship Enterprise to do study, Aerofinity's role was to "touch a toe in the water."

Area was defined exactly to the tee with 3 objectives:
1) Look at area defined
2) Replacement Airport: would it meet needs
3) Financial operations and Market of the area

She said there was a study process recommended with the following issues to be addressed, comprising about 8 pages:

1) Overview of Indy Metro Airport
2) Overview of Anderson Airport
3) Footprint of Study Area
4) The ideal replacement airport
5) Site location serving current users
Small to mid-sized jets and transcontinental capabilities
6) Alternatives for site within site area
7) Environmental Overview of area
8) Potential aviation activity
By looking at addresses of plane owners
FAA says within 30 minute drive time from home or business to get your plane
There could be 160-183 based aircraft in this area in a few years with 55,000 - 60,000 annual operations
She said they compared operating cost notes to "Fulton", but it was not clear which Fulton she meant.

Ms Schalk indicated very strongly........There Was Not a detailed airspace analysis done
A financial feasibility study was not done
There are a few hurdles, as she said.
Over 300 people attended Aerofinity's Open House presentation at the Flagship on July 23rd, 2007.
Comments (153 documented) were gathered (from 200 people) until Monday, August 6th, and some have not been looked at yet. She came with all the info she had at the time. Note that Aerofinity's presentation to this Board was made on August 7th, the day after comments were solicited for the Feasibility Study. There is no way they could all have been represented in this report, although she said all received comments were included in the document she left....but she indicated they had tabulated the results to have ready for this meeting.

She made it very, very clear the comments showed the public is to quote her ...."in opposition"

Once again she said Aerofinity's assignment was to "dip the toe in the water."

There have been questions raised, she said on how to Improve Anderson and Mt. Comfort Airports

Quoting her again..." Replacement Airports are NOT TYPICAL in this day"
"This is NOT easy to do, to create a replacement airport"
" In my 25 years of doing this, I only have had 2 such projects"
"Aerofinity is NOT making a recommendation at this time"

"There are additional things to do before this gets going"

1) Airspace Study
2) System Planning
3) Master Plan Study ( we assume the county's master plan, but this could be Anderson's)
4) Planned Development Study
5) Environmental Study
6) Transition Requirements
7) Property Tax Impact Study on Area



Airport Manager Steve Darlington asked the BOAC Board who gave Aerofinity permission to do the study. He said it should have been moved and seconded and passed in his opinion. Why is Flagship involved?

President Rogers appeared defensive as he responded that Flagship undertook the study and that was it.
Mr. Darlington did not agree.

Board President Tony Rogers said he did not think "there was anything on the airport study too official going on."
Mr. Darlington said he felt the Board should have been notified that the study was going on. Apparently, he had been expected to supply information to Aerofinity, but had not been notified that the study was being undertaken.
Tony Rogers said there was no action towards a study or to commission a study in his opinion and, "...this is going nowhere."

Mr. Darlington said Mr. Rogers' opinion was noted. He then asked why Aerofinity would be allowed to speak, but not the Anderson Airport Support Group (AASG). He said a board member had told him he could not put them on the agenda. When someone asked Mr. Darlington which board member was responsible for muzzling the Airport Support Group, Mr. Darlington answered, "Tony".

Tony Rogers denied it. Mr. Darlington said, "You did in an e-mail." Mr. Rogers had no comment to that.

Once again, Mr. Darlington asked why an Aerofinity representative was allowed to speak, but the AASG was not. There was no reply from the President of the Anderson Board of Aviation Commissioners.

Public input: One person asked for a copy of the qualifications it took to sit on the Anderson Board of Aviation Commissioners. The Board President promised to obtain them.

Next meeting: Tuesday, September 4th at 4:30 p.m. at the Anderson Airport. The public is encouraged to attend.

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