Just Say No! - People to Contact

This is a preliminary listing, and more information will be added as soon as we get it. Please attend these meetings to show your interest in their decisions. You are invited to contact any of these public servants to make your views known.

Indianapolis Airport Authority (IAA)
Board of Directors:
Next Meeting: August 17, 2007 @ 8:30 a.m.
Airport Board Room
Indianapolis International Airport

Lacy M. Johnson -
IAA President
partner in the law firm Ice Miller LLP

E-Mail: lacy.johnson@icemiller.com
Assistant Name: Laura Brown
Mailing Address:

L. M. Johnson,
Ice Miller LLP,
One American Square
Suite 3100
Indianapolis, IN 46282-0200

Anderson Board of Aviation, Anderson, Indiana
Meets first Tuesday of each month at the Anderson Airport
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 4th at 4:30 p.m. at the Anderson Airport. The public is encouraged to attend.

J.A "Tony" Rogers: tony@hydrotechcorp.com (President)
Dennis Adams: da321_2006@yahoo.com
Jim Thiemet: thiemet@madcofcu.org
Phil Stephenson: philstephensen@yahoo.com
Bob Schuler: bschuler@cityofanderson.com

Anderson City Council

To speak at a city council meeting, call City Council President Donna Davis IN ADVANCE at 765-644-3263 to put your name on the agenda. You may decide to withdraw your name when you are at the meeting, but you won't be able to add it if you want the opportunity to address the Council.

Mayor: Kevin S. Smith

(765) 648-6000

Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month in City Council Chambers

Name District Phone
Rodney Chamberlain At Large: President (765) 642-4312
Donna Davis District 2 (765) 643-3238
Ollie Dixon District 4 (765) 649-4529
Rick Muir At Large (765) 649-6625
Joseph Newman District 6 (765) 644-0104
Art Pepelea, Jr. C.E.P. District 5 (765) 643-6650
Kato Smith At Large (765) 643-5247
Paul J. Stapleton District 3 (765) 649-7176
Mike Welch District 1 (765) 642-4768

Madison County Commissioners:

SOUTH district: Paul Wilson email: pwilson@madisoncty.com
MIDDLE district: Pat Dillon email: pdillon@madisoncty.com
NORTH district: John Richwine email: jrichwine@madisoncty.com

Anderson Air Support Group

Meets every Monday night
For contact info, email dont_fly_zone@hotmail.com

To view the proposed airport plans, please go to:


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