The Backlash Has Begun! - Airport Relocation Update 12/03/07

Airport Relocation Update

December 3, 2007

The Backlash has begun ….

We believed there would be reaction to Mr. Ockomon's statement that the SW Madison airport is a "dead issue". We don't know all that is being done behind the scenes, but we do know that in the past 4 days, 3 separate letters have appeared in the Herald Bulletin. These letters not only support the proposed SW Madison airport, but suggest that the discussion should be reopened and shifted to the County level. The HB lead Editorial on Sunday openly criticized Mr. Ockomon for stating, at last Monday's meeting, that the SW Madison airport was "dead."

Please take a minute and read through the following links - don't worry, they're short! But warning: These will make you mad!

"Time for open discussion on airport"

"Dead Issue" is not Ockomon's call"

"Making the same airport mistake"

It is imperative that we nip this in the bud now, before it gains any momentum or inspires Fishers (or our own County officials) to continue on with it's pursuit. We've come too far to slip back now!!!

We are particularly incensed by the HB's editorial which refers to Mr. Ockomon's "brazen" statements. Where were they, we wonder, when the current Mayor brazenly initiated the airport scheme in the first place, approaching Fishers with the offer to close the current Anderson airport and build a new one on land he has no jurisdiction over? We believe Mr. Ockomon did the honorable thing by trying to end the mess the current administration created, and should be praised, not criticized.

So please …. seriously … please take a minute and write to the HB (address below) and let them know how you feel! Mr. Ockomon did us a great service when he declared the airport issue "dead", BUT IT HAS COME AT A COST TO HIM!. Let's thank him - and perhaps express our disappointment in the HB for handling the airport issue in such a biased way - quibbling over semantics when it was they who allowed the current Mayor to promote this for months unfettered.** And PLEASE copy your email letters to our County Commissioners - that way, every letter will "count" even if the HB doesn't print each one.

Herald Bulletin contact info for Letters to the Editor:

Email: Mail: Letters to the editor

The Herald Bulletin

P.O. Box 1090

Anderson, IN 46015

(You must provide name, address and daytime phone # for verification. Letters should be no more than 250 words. Anything longer would have to be a "Viewpoint" column.)

County Commissioners:

Paul Wilson:

John Richwine

Pat Dillon

Thanks for you help in this! Your letters will truly help keep the airport out of SW Madison!


** In case it comes up …. From the beginning, we've all maintained that Anderson has no jurisdiction in SW Madison, and have stressed that to any elected official or media person who would listen! In that, we agree with the HB when it states that the airport is a county, not a city, issue. However, we don't believe that Mr. Ockomon was stating otherwise when he, personally, declared the issue "dead". It would seem he was simply ending the discussion the current administration had started, using the parameters the current administration had set.

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