Questions Posed to the Anderson City Council, August 9, 2007

* Has Anderson been asked or are they providing funding for any study
relating to the relocation of Metro Airport in Fishers?
Aerofinity explained that this council gave them the exact area of study. Who did this?

* Do you know of any ordinance proposed by anyone related to a new
airport in Madison County?

* Are any of you aware of Aerofinity's recommendation of studies required, and who
will be paying for these studies, in the council's opinion? These studies include:

1) Master Plan Study
2) Environmental Study
3) Transition Requirements
4) Planned Development Study
5) Airspace Study
6) System Planning Study
7) Property Tax Impact Study on Area Proposed

* Has your council considered the tax consequences of an airport?

If not, do you know who is going to do the study? Should your council initiate the study?
Are you as a council willing to consult with the Green & Stony Creek Township Assessors?
Are any of you aware the Frankton-Lapel School District and South Madison Community School Corporation will lose $250-280,000 in taxes for our schools, and that both corporations are depending on local taxes to complete their new school buildings, already under construction?

Anderson Council President Donna Davis promised to formally respond in writing
to the above questions. These will be posted when they are received.

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